Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tips and Tools to Uninstall Unwanted Services in Windows

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Services are an integral component for the proper functioning of many software. But unfortunately most software leaves its service even after uninstallation. Malware on the other hand also uses service for its malicious activity. Anti-Malwares normally remove the main executable files and not the services associated with it. Windows unfortunately does not allow any direct option to delete services because any amateur use of that can crash Windows.
Today I will share you the ways to manually delete or uninstall services in Windows and also a portable tool that helps doing the same thing  in an easier way.
Manual Uninstallation of Services
Follow the steps to manually uninstall services of your choice.
  • Open Run from Start Menu or Press Win and R keys simultaneously.
  • Type services.msc and press Enter.
  • Services Manager Will open.
  • Locate the service you want to uninstall. Double-Click on it.
  • Properties of that Service will open.
  • In the 'General' Tab you can find the Service Name. Select the Service Name and Copy it.
  • Open Command Prompt [Type cmd in Run Window]
  • Type sc delete servicename [For Example: sc delete MozillaMaintenance]
  • Windows will attempt to delete the service and on success will show the message [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS.
  1. You may need to open command prompt as Administrator.
  2. You may need to reboot your PC to complete the uninstallation.
Using Windows Service Master
If you find it difficult to follow the aforementioned steps, you can use a portable software to automate the process of uninstallation of services.
  • Download Windows Service Master from its product hompage or use the following direct link.
  • Unzip the files in the downloaded archive and execute the file WSMaster.exe.
  • Now right click on you desired services and select 'Uninstall Service'. It will uninstall the service and will ask the user if he wants to delete the associated executable file also.
  • The software is more versatile in the sense that it lists all kind of services than that listed in Windows Service Manager.
  1. You may need to run WSMaster.exe as an administrator.
  2. For completion of uninstallation you may need to restart your PC.
My Verdict
Although I prefer to do customizations manually, I prefer Windows Service Master because
1. It lists all kinds of service.
2. It is portable and light.
3. Offers easy way to delete services.
A Note of Caution: Microsoft haven't allowed easy access to uninstallation of services for one and only reason: Amateur user may mess up his computer by uninstalling important services. So, proceed with this guide and tool once you are dead sure that the particular service is absolutely unneeded by you.

Cheers !!
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  1. Very well written as always Sujay, it pains me to see services that are not needed started by default, and these processes can make for a better experience using windows, your righ to add caution and if anyone is unsure a quick google will help put their minds at rest.

    you provide the tools Sujay and the user gets to learn a little more of the windows environment..

  2. Glad to see you read and liked the article Jaycub. It's really a pain when unwanted services take resources.


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