Today I found that Google changes the display of conversion queries to a much better and attractive design. Previously for a query like Bit to Byte it showed 1 Bit = 0.125 Byte, but now it shows the category of conversion, available units in that category and desired results e.g. 25 Bit = 3.125 Byte.
Currently it supports the following categories.
Under Temperature it supports the following units.
Under Length it supports the following units.
Under Mass it supports the following units.
Under Speed it supports the following units.
Under Volume it supports the following units.
Under Area it supports the following units.
Under Fuel Consumption it supports the following units.
Under Time it supports the following units.
Under Digital Storage it supports the following units.
This is indeed a great new change in Google search but it needs to support more categories like Currency etc. A good reference would be to get the categories in the open source software Convertall.
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