Wednesday, April 18, 2012

COMODO Rescue Disk can Clean Stubborn Malware Infections

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Is your computer crushed due to malware infection? You can't even boot your computer? Don't worry, you may not need any computer technician at the moment. There are plenty of available Free Rescue Disks that can help you in such situations. COMODO Rescue Disk (CRD) is the newest addition among those. COMODO, an well known vendor of free security software has released today the first stable build of their Rescue Disk, COMODO Rescue Disk 1.1.232326.14. According to the developer:
It is designed to be used when crimeware embeds itself so deeply into your system that CCE for Windows cannot clean it or Windows cannot start because of any infection or abnormal system change.
  • COMODO Rescue Disk comes as a bootable disk image. So, you can boot into the Rescue Disk even before your Operating System loads.
  • CRD is based on Linux, which ensures increased stability and security while fixing errors in your system.
  • While no system requirements have yet been published from common knowledge I can say that you need to have minimum 512Mb RAM (1 Gb RAM preferred) for smooth performance of CRD. You must have a CD/DVD drive to use the Rescue Disk but I am certain that you will also be able to run in from USB by using special softwares that can create bootable USB from bootable disk image.
  • COMODO Rescue Disk can detect and clean virus, malwares and rootkit infections. It has the ability to repair infected MBR and abnormal system changes. It also provides you with tools to explore files in your hard drive, take screenshot and browse web page.
  • For the purpose of cleaning malware infections and repairing MBR modifications, COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE) engine is used. In CRD, CCE engine is embedded in Linux.
  • COMODO Rescue Disk works in both GUI and text mode.
CRD Text Mode
  •  The scanning is quite thorough. For cleaning infections it may need reboot(s).
CRD GUI Mode Scanning
CRD Text Node Scanning.
My Verdict
I haven't tested this application yet! But from my experiences with COMODO Cleaning Essentials, it is prone to make false positives but has good detections too. So, use this Rescue Disk when you are in big trouble.
Download the image file from the following direct link. [50.9 Mb]

Try yourself and let me know your experience!! 

Image Courtesy: COMODO Forum

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  1. I posted this by using resources collected online. And in fact, experience of one often do not match with others because the parameters that control the experience vary from place to place. So, I doubt if my experience matters to most. It's the features that most look for. At least I confessed that I didn't test it.. :)

  2. How could you post without testing it??


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