Thursday, May 31, 2012

Forcefully Turn Off, Restart, Log Off Windows with Keyboard Shortcuts

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The most primitive knowledge known to an Windows user is to Turn Off, Restart or Log Off Windows. Still it's a pain to do that when lots of Windows are open. Most of the time when you try to close an Window/Application, you get an warning to save your work. That is useful without doubt but can be a nag when you are in hurry and don't have anything serious to save. So, today I am going tip give you a tip that some of you may have practiced but could be useful to many others.
Follow the following steps
  • Right click in Desktop or Within any folder. Go to New > Shortcut.

  • In the box to "type the location of the item", type
shutdown /s /f /t 0 (for Turning Off Windows)
shutdown /r /f /t 0 (for Restarting Windows)
shutdown /l /f /t 0 (for Logging Off Windows)
  • Click 'Next' and Type the name of the shortcut.
  • Your desired shortcut will be created on Desktop or in that folder.
  • Now right-click on the shortcut, select 'Properties' and go to the 'Shortcut' tab.
  • Left click on 'Shortcut key' and press your desired Hot Keys and click 'Ok'.
Now use the Hot Key or that shortcut anytime to forcefully Turn Off, Restart, Log Off Windows.
Please note that
  1. Always save your important work before deciding to Turn Off, Restart, Log Off Windows using this shortcut, otherwise it will force quit any open applications/windows.
  2. Hot Keys can be a combination of modifier key (Shift, Ctrl, Alt or in combination) with another key (alphanumeric, numeric, special and additional keys like Insert, Home, End, Right Arrow, Lft Arrow etc.).
  3. Always use a Hot Key that is not linked to another application.
  4. Make that Hot Key a bit complicated to be pressed unintentionally.
Cheers !!

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  1. Sujay, could you explain the effects of the individual letters (f/t o) ?
    I'd be interested in e.g. making a shutdown shortcut without the addition of kill-all-open-apps and was wondering which to leave out. Thanks, Tom

  2. Hello Tom,
    '/f' switch makes the force quitting of all open applications.
    '/t 0' switch allows you to shutdown/restart/logoff after 0 second.

  3. Thanks, Sujay, but the short-cut does not help you when the screen freezes. What I need is a keyboard command to log off or shutdown the computer.  Sometimes even Ctr-Alt-Del does not solve the problem, so do you have any solution for that?

  4. Hello Corno, Please go through the post. You will find that I have also given the method to set Hot-Keys. But when PC freezes, nothing works other than the reset button ;)


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